南臺灣微醺音樂會 1月3至8日於大鵬灣青洲重磅登場
▲鵬管處舉辦「青洲灣派對」,一起看海踏浪、尋美食,跟著音樂一起搖擺。(圖/鵬管處提供) 【李婉如/ 報導】交通部觀光局大鵬灣國家風景區管理處(以下簡稱鵬管處)最Chill、最慵懶的「青洲灣派對」,預計112年1月3至8日於大鵬灣青洲重磅登場!這場首度與 Gin &...
From the Heart
An Open Book
Welcome to my blog, a place where I can share my greatest inspiration and candidly display the different sides of my passion project. Ever since I launched my site it has been creating buzz, gaining an increased following from day to day. I invite you to explore my content and learn about what makes me tick. Please reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well.
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